Monday, January 24, 2011

Apple Pie

Well, her mom was right. It wasn't going to take half an hour to whip up an apple pie. For some reason, she'd had it in her head that (now that she'd made a couple) it would be a quick thing, like chocolate chip cookies. Damn, but it took an hour to make the crust and cut up those apples. Even with a food processor! Still, it was satisfying to know the pie was baking away in the oven for her visit with friends tomorrow night.

She glanced over at the kitchen, forlornly eyeing the mess of dishes now in the sink. She was tired. But still, she'd sleep well if she finished the job and cleaned up.

And in the morning, she would get to write. Her desire to lay the words to paper burned in her like a well-stocked fire, slowly turning the wood into rolling embers of and orange-red. Tomorrow she would write.

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