Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Blog and Site Location

I'm moving to a new wordpress site! I wanted a little more flexibility with my blog as well as a place to publish my web novels (in the near future). So from now on you can find my blog updates at See you there!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Chapter 25 of "Fallen Away" is up!

So exciting! I think there are only two chapters left to write and perhaps an epilogue. I've already got plans for what I will be working on after "Fallen Away" is done. Gotta keep writing! So check out chapter 25!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Updated Trailer for the Original "TRON"

Oh, this is fun. Huzzah for original Tron fans! This is how I see the original in my head.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter 24 of "Tron: Fallen Away" is up!

Go check it out. We are fast on our way to the end now!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Apple Pie

Well, her mom was right. It wasn't going to take half an hour to whip up an apple pie. For some reason, she'd had it in her head that (now that she'd made a couple) it would be a quick thing, like chocolate chip cookies. Damn, but it took an hour to make the crust and cut up those apples. Even with a food processor! Still, it was satisfying to know the pie was baking away in the oven for her visit with friends tomorrow night.

She glanced over at the kitchen, forlornly eyeing the mess of dishes now in the sink. She was tired. But still, she'd sleep well if she finished the job and cleaned up.

And in the morning, she would get to write. Her desire to lay the words to paper burned in her like a well-stocked fire, slowly turning the wood into rolling embers of and orange-red. Tomorrow she would write.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Story Drunk

As she walked out to her car, her head buzzed with the chapter she had been working on. The cold air bit at her neck and she pulled her coat collar closer. Could Hazel possibly survive the battle with Tron? It was going to take some deus ex machina—she was no match for him.

The car windows were frosted hard. Darn. Sitting half in the driver’s seat, she turned on the car and cranked the defroster. Owl City blared from the stereo as she pulled out the scraper, got back out and got busy.

The story continued to run amok in her mind as frost crystals flew. She loved living in that world of adventure, playing all the parts, anticipating the responses from her readers as she polished the plot points, sharpened the dialog and fleshed out the characters. She loved seeing what they would do. She loved finding out what would happen next.

It was hard, then, to focus on the mundane tasks of life like scraping the car windows and heading off to work. Nonetheless, she couldn’t deny the beauty of the crisp winter day around her. The high clouds scudded across the sky, bright blue patches like promises between them. Life was beautiful, even if it didn’t move at the pace of an adventure story.

And she had a plan. Her life was her own story, gifted to her by God to explore and expand. She had some ideas of how she would begin to shape it. As far as she knew, she was only getting one life on this earth. And she was going to live it as beautifully and fully as possible.

The windows clear, she tossed the scraper over the extra warm winter coat that seemed to live perpetually in her back seat, jumped behind the wheel and zipped off to work.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


As the hot water poured over the dishes that she was washing, she listened to "Hello, Nessa." Between the soap suds, the yellow gloves, and the smell of lemon fresh, she laughed and enjoyed Nessa's answers to questions sent in by listeners. Then the voicemail she had left for Nessa came on. Her friend Christina had told her earlier in the day that Nessa had said some really kind words about the voicemail, but she still wasn't quite prepared for what Nessa had to say. Her voicemail had been an attempt to encourage regarding some tough life choices that Nessa was having to make.

She slowly forgot about the dishes and stopped scrubbing, listening to the words that lifted her spirit and reminded her that she was okay, especially if Nessa could see it. "Nicole...she gives me faith in people. She reminds me that there are still really good people out there, genuine people. 'Cause, you know, this day and age, I've run into a lot of fake and flaky people and just the little messages that Nicole sends and just what she writes on her blog, I absolutely adore her."

She felt truly humbled and deeply blessed by these words. All she really wanted to do in this life was live fully, love those around her, love her God, and encourage others.

Maybe this would include not writing about herself in the third person. "Hmmm..." she thought as she finished up and covered the drying dishes with a towel, "I'm just not sure."